Implement e-Business for your Organization

Competitor Intelligence:Who are your Top 3 Competitors?

SWOT Analysis.

Where's inbound traffic coming from (Offsite Link Equity)?

What makes competitor site a good -Landing place (Onsite SEO)
Salesforce IntegrationWhat is sales model and how will e-Business complement customer service?

How will online integrate with ERP and CRM?

Call Center, Boots on Ground? Brick and Mortar? Hybrid?

What e-Business training is needed to integrate with Culture?
Product Data and Image AggregationWhere will data and images come from?
Is there legacy data that can jumpstart e-Business catalog?

Will images come from internal or external sources?

How will data and images be linked?
Catalog Design and DevelopmentHow will catalog integrate with existing site?

What technical or creative resources are needed?

Will product database connection be "live" or is upload routine needed.

Who will be do quality assurance of data, mapping or categorizing
Sales, Marketing and IT IntegrationWhat internal training or outsourcing is needed?

How will internal team and consultants complement one another?

What adjustments are needed to SOP (Sales Order Process)

How will e-Business impact and improve customer service?

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