Archives for Electrical Distributor Webstore

Product Data Standardization: What’s Next?

Good News, Bad News for e-Business

Good News:  Organizations that once had only static web pages showing their product are now building web storefronts with robust data, images and videos.

Bad News:  Many of them stop there, and don’t create original content or gather intelligence about what competitors are doing online. They’re just a “Me Too” in the online marketplace. Nothing special.

Stepping Beyond the Data


e-Business Activity

Electrical Distributor Web StorefrontData Standardization1) fewer product returns 2) Opertational efficiencies in ERPs 3) Web navigation and taxonomy 4) Attrbuted data for SEO. e-Commerce starts with planning a roadmap and accurate data.

Taxonomy is the process of classifying your data to fit in product categories. Begin with best sellers where you have sufficient inventory, dependable suppliers and solid product knowledge to handle the increased customer inquiries.

Intelligence When you focus too much attention on your web storefront, you miss what's working for competitors. Where's their traffic originating? Who's linking to them? Why are they more visible? Competitive intelligence tools will tell you.

Content is King! Beyond attributes and nice pictures, Electrical Distributor Blogs with educational articles and videos, testimonials and case studies convey your product knowledge and show your passion for what you do. Search engines will like you too.

ROI for e-commerce can be quantified. Sometimes in dollars, other times in certain goals and metrics like Cost per Inquiry, phone call tracking or requests for quote. Set benchmarks in your analytics for whatever it is and measure.

13 e-Business Initiatives for Electrical Distributors and OEMs