Search Engine Optimization

Longtail Keywords for Industrial/Electrical Websites

A good SEO formula for Page Titles is:
[PartNumber] + [OEM] + [Short Description]

As you can see, visitors often use descriptive terms — not just part number — in search engines to find Industrial/Electrical products. Look at your Google Analytics queries report to see the terms customers are using to find your products. Terms like the ones below will start appearing in the report, especially after you adjust your page titles to include the Short Description of the products in your Page Titles.

Try not to exceed Google’s Page Title character length which is about 55 characters.

Below example date range is 1 week, so you can imagine the lost opportunities over time if not including [PartNumber] + [OEM] + [Short Description].



Product Images

You should have a field in your database for SEO Image Description. Populate this field for each record with the Part Number, Short Description (e.g. Output Module) and OEM. Your images will show in Google Images when someone is searching for that product, and it will link back to your site. Watermark the images to give you branding in the Google results and discourage others from using the image.

Note: Where you don’t have an image for a product, create a generic image including 3 or 4 products that are representative of the product Category. Update the SEO Product Description field in your catalog database. If you don’t have a field like this, create one. Include the product description tag in your code so the image gets assigned the description.